In the last election the council member for District 1 won by only 19 votes. Every vote counts.  Our City Council is making decisions that impact our lives: housing, environmental protection, subsidies for park maintenance, road repairs, public safety including fire protection.  The majority of the population of District 1 does not vote. Therefore the majority of  residents in District 1 is underrepresented.


We are now be conducting a survey to better understand your concerns as residents of District 1.  A similar survey was conducted in your neighboring District 2 and the results are shown below.



 You can see from the graph above that District 1 has the lowest voter participation of any of the five districts of Pacifica.

As  a group of concerned citizens who live in District 1 we want to establish a dialog with others in the district. Since many in District 1 do not vote,  we want to determine why. We want to identify your concerns regarding local issues either in your neighborhood or relative to the city of Pacifica in general.


All of this is as is preparation for the 2024 election in which leaders can be chosen who can address your concerns. In order to do this we are conducting a survey.

Some Facts about District 1

District 1 has a majority non-white population:

  • 49 % Asian/Pacifica Islanders (AAPI)

  • 22% non-Hispanic white

  • 21% Hispanic

  • 4% Black

  • 1% Native American

  •  About 31% of District 1 are tenants

  • Over 1/4 of District 1 households are low income.

The majority of the population of District 1 does not vote. Non-whites are underrepresented.

  • Registered voters are more likely to vote

  • only 13% of AAPI are registered

  • only 28 % of Hispanics are registered

  • 42% of non-Hispanic whites are registered

  •   The 2020 election turnout

  • only 13% of AAPI voted

  • over 50% of Hispanics voted

  • over 42% of non-Hispanic whites voted


District 1 party affiliations

  • Democrat                        2,743
  • No-Party-Preference      1,066
  • Republican                       555
  • Am. Independent            121
  • MISC                                  58
  • Libertarian                        36
  • Peace & Freedom            29
  • Green                                 13



District 1 is the northern most district of the five that comprise Pacifica.  The northern most boundary line is where Skyline Blvd. meets the Highway 1 interchange. Its eastern most boundary follows Skyline Blvd. south all the way down to King Dr. then west to Inverness Dr. and south to Manor Dr. where it  overlooks the Malaga Ridge open space. It follows Manor Dr west for a short distance before heading north looping back around to Inverness Dr thus  creating its southmost finger. Eventually the  western boundary zigzags  westward and meets the  ocean for a small distance just south the GGNRA Northern Dunes before then going north following Palmetto Ave then north again to again meet Skyline Dr.

The irregular and some might say arbitrary shape puts the entire Fairmont West area and an eastern most part of the Edgemar area into District 1.

District 1 - where is it?

Back 2018 it was mandated that all municipalities be converted to geographically representation  rather than the previous at-large basis. This was deemed to be fairer and more representative of a given neighborhood.


For map of all Pacifica voting districts


Talk to us

Have any questions?

        Do you want to volunteer?