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Who are we?

We are a group of Pacificans who find ourselves living in a newly defined political designation – District 1. It is this new district defined identity that is behind this effort.  We see this has an opportunity.  The first step is to encourage more District 1 residents to participate, that is register and vote. As you can see from the information posted on the Home page, District 1 is unique in Pacifica. We have a high level of diversity of residents culturally, racially and in terms of income, but our voting rates are low. Renters make up a high proportion of District 1 residents, but renters typically receive little attention from the City Council . We need a Council member who will also represent renters.  But in order to increase the number of registered voters we need more information. Why are so many District 1 residents not participating? That is the purpose of this survey – to find out what your concerns are.