More on District 2

… Comparisons of District 1 and 2

A previous survey in District 2 indicated that community outreach was very important to 52.7% of those interviewed but over 70% had not even received information on Pacifica’s General Plan or redistricting.
In District 2, over 90% did not know they are in District 2 and did not have any basic District 2 census data. District 1 is:
   – Very diverse, a majority non-white district.
   – 31% tenants.
   – Over 25% of  households have lower incomes.
These groups historically have not voted regularly and their voices are under represented.
The District 1 Council seat was decided by just 14 votes.





Issues in District 2 that came up as most important (in no particular order):



Cost of living and economic recovery

Housing cost and homelessness


Flooding/drainage, erosion, waste water

Street repair


Environment and open space

Health and safety

Racial and social justice





District 2


  – The most important issues to Pacificans are cost of living,  economic recovery, environmental issues, open space protection and infrastructure issues.

  – Every vote counts so outreach is important. We want greater voter participation.

Survey by Pacifica Housing 4 All and Pacifica Progressive Alliance. 



All 5 Districts